十二月 30, 2006



认真说,坏得不算太坏; 好呢,又没有多好.


  1. 这一年下来发生的很多事情我都记不清楚.
  2. 发线开始升高,开始走侧田的M字头路线.
  3. 体重开始无节制往上飙
  1. 拿到PR
  2. 搬来YISHUN
  3. 母亲动了子子公司宫割除手术
  4. 父亲店铺的厨房被百年一遇的水灾给冲垮
  5. 婆婆的80岁大寿+入院动白内障手术失败
  6. 生平第一次去看售票演唱会(虽然是赢来的)
  8. AH BENG 做爸爸
  9. 昔瓶结婚去
  10. 世界还是一团乱


  1. 不能再肥下去了.
  2. 每天至少要少搭一次电梯而改走楼梯
  3. 要看至少15本书
  4. 要完成至少5个Programs (Application)
  5. 户口要存到至少15,000.
  6. 要去香港
  7. 要写至少一百篇blog
  8. 要完成两篇小说/故事
  9. 工作顺利生活开心
  10. 家人健康世界太平,少些污染多些良心.

十二月 29, 2006







最后我们当然没有走啦, 就一直陪着她到她躺在病床上,


不如就整个拿掉,还和我们说没有额外收钱,算我们赚到了 -_-|||

身体也渐渐的回复,也没有再听说她哪里哪里又痛了 :D



























十二月 26, 2006

What happened to my house's kitchen

From a previous post of mine I mentioned about the flood that flushed my hometown's kitchen away...

This christmas I went back to JB and saw HELL -_-, the rain has stopped and the water level at JB has decreased, but the roads were left with plenty of holes and driving around town became something drastically difficult

Below are the images captured from my dad's video clips taken immediately after the kitchen collapsed and got flushed away...

According to his description, many of our customer's clothes (he owns a laundry shop) were dirtied and needed to compensate to our customers, sigh...

And then it took them 2 full days to clean up the mud, OMG T__T

十二月 22, 2006



我家是个例外. 因为我的舅舅们都是电脑疯子,




父亲中学都没毕业,可他靠自学而来的编程技术(Programming Skills)









每个小孩都渴望那份得不到的爱 -- For One More Day 里的其中一句


直到我读到了一篇文章, 标题是<<多少份的爱?>>


爱, 是不能被分割的. 爱就是爱.

* * *



















要我说父亲,我有千百个故事要说; 可我不知道从哪里说起,
只得一点一滴抽丝剥茧地整理出来, 想到一则是一则.









自那次以后, 我逐渐认识父亲.






For One More Day















十二月 21, 2006

Flood in JB


Remember I mentioned the big rain when I was at Genting in the previous post? It appears that it has become a big disaster to residents in Johor. JB is among the major disastrous area (for what? I've been living in JB for 20 years and not a single time was bothered by a flood or whatsoever)

Reports claimed that almost the whole of is flooded... 1 died, 2 missing, 100,000 need to be evacuated...

Oh ya.. -_- and when I called my mom yesterday, she told me that our shop's kitchen was gone, the rain flushed them away or something like that T_T...

First there's this stupid haze from indonesia that CAN ONLY be washed away with rain, and now rain comes... flood precedes...

Arghhhhh!!!! That korean guy Rain better don't come!~~~~~~ (what has it anything to do with him? but everybody been saying "Rain's coming"... and now this is what happened T__T)

十二月 20, 2006

Back from Geting ^o^

Yoohoo~~~ been away for 4 days, actually spent 3 days at Genting with PY :D By joining SingTel RC's Genting Trip :D

A bit suaku hor, never been to Genting's theme park and casino before :(

But this time finally fulfiled this small wish la :D

去云顶三天,下了三天的雨...是有点扫兴啦 ~

but then, we managed to visit the snow world (and i was the first one to try the snow sledge, woohooooooo, damn scary -_- no instructor de, try at your own risk de)

Then there's this casino thingy -- at first lost almost $50 on the slots machine, then PY dunno struck what lady luck (maybe I stood 5 steps away from her), then she managed to win back $25 :D, so in the end only lose $25 (in 2 hours, duh)

overall the main point is that, we managed to runaway from SG for a few days, that's the ultimate objective for this trip, HK is too far and too expensive for us currently, but nevertheless Genting did does the trick too~~~

On our return trip, we went to KLCC to shop for half day, the Kinokuniya there on sales, bought 女人我最大 for PY at $14, and the book "For one more day" (since everybody asking me to go read) for $25 only!!!! ^o^

十二月 14, 2006

When I was small 3

When we were kids, whenever the adults said something, we will treat is as truth... My parent fully exploited this behaviour of us innocent kids...

First, they told me "if you point your fingers towards the moon, your ears will get sliced by God"... that lasted till I was 15 when I accidentally pointed to the moon and remained one piece till the next day :D

Then, they told me "if you cut your nails at midnight, a ghost will appear to scare you to death"... that lasted till I was 18 when I was hit with this question: "What if those working night shifts, they can only cut their nails at midnight how?"

Also, they warned me that "do not swallow the seeds of fruits, wait later a tree will begin growing on your head", I cried and cried for 3 hours after hearing that, thinking my head will become a jungle after swallowing watermelon seedS and grape seedS >_<


十二月 12, 2006

MSN Plus

Woohoooo~~~~ MSN plus damn syokkkkkk

those who haven't try out, must try..


十二月 11, 2006


Seen enough of others playing around with blogger beta, I've decided to upgrade mine also --

Actually my blog has been running on blogger beta for the past few weeks, apart from the illegible word codes you've seen on the side page (they were actually chinese characters), there weren't much change.

But tonight I upgraded my template... quite nice to play with , but not much things can be customized visually (ue. you still need to go into the coding :D)

Phew, new look, will play around more settings sooner ya :D

十二月 08, 2006

When I was small 2

I was quite shy (towards my family) when I was small...

When I was at primary 1 (一年级), I hadn't any friends and was constantly bullied by those from primary 6 (六年级大班), my pocket money will be given to them, for some "valid reasons" -_-

Nobody taught me that was not right, and all the while I thought that was something that "we should do" T__T, in the end my elder sister came and confronted those bullies, then only I know... 哦,原来有人和你要钱,你要反抗才对 -_-


10 years later, when I was doing my SPM (ie. O'levels in SG) sejarah (历史, history) project, a bunch of us went to the central market and library in JB.

On our way back, there was this bunch of Malay kids roaming around the playground area, they approached us and asked for money.



The 5 of us didn't even bother to bird them (they're just 14 or 15 years old, if want to fight, we will win also)...

Then there's a friend of ours, 非常天真可爱, stopped by and asked them...

F: my friend, G: Gangsters

F: Kenapa you nak duit? (Why do you need money?)
G: *Astonished* Aku nak beli buku la, kurang lima ringgit lagi (I want to buy book, still need 5 more ringgit).
F: *Turn to face us* 我们是不是要帮一下他们? (Should we help them?)
We: 他在和我们勒索啊!不要管他! (He's blackmailing us, don't care him!)
F: 是咩?他不是你的朋友啊? (Is it? Isn't he your friend?)
G: *Even more astonished, turned to look for his boss* Boss, mereka tak mau beri ku duit! (Boss, they don't want to give me the money!)
Boss: *Comes out from a hidden toy (forgot where liao) in the playground, and is a big man at his 20s* Siapa tu? (Who?)
We: 快跑啦! ("Run!") *And we ran across the busy road to safety*
G: 为什么你们跑走了? (Why you all run away liao?)

In the end, G ended up paying 5 ringgit to those gangster -_-

Phewww, i got this lesson when i was 7, some got theirs at 17 -_-

十二月 05, 2006

A dark dark day...

Ok, I must admit, I hadn't had that "cursed" feeling for a long long time -- The feeling of everything around you are so related to "death"

Morning, 8:00 .a.m, my bus approached Yishun Bus Interchange, there was a large flock of crowd at the bus station. People were talking about a guy being by the train at Yishun MRT station...

Free shuttle bus by SMRT bringing commuters to YCK MRT Station to continue their southbound journey...

As my bus (854) got pass MRT station, I saw the blue strap and a train that stopped abruptly somewhere in the middle of the platform...

12:15 pm, out for lunch at AMK Avenue 4, as the cab we shared approaches the place, we saw a bunch of crowd gathering at the foot of one of the flat...

Civil Defence people are out there laying out the safety catch (安全气垫) on the floor..

as we sat down at our place, suddenly we heard people shouting, reporters rushing down from the flat's staircase and towards some place, the crowd followed...

Some say somebody commited suicide.

Some say there might be a police raid on drug addicts/traffikers...

Sigh... what an unpeaceful day.

十二月 04, 2006

When I was small 1

I was talking about this with PY yesterday, she was saying 三岁定终身, and used me as an example -_-

I was telling her that I broke my tiny toe's bone while running around the house and hit the edge of a big big cupboard, i sobbed and whined for 30 minutes before my mom found me -_-

Conclusion: 小时候就很爱面子

On another occassion, I was playing on the wooden stairs of my house. The wooden stairs has this 栏杆 that we liked to put our heads through. As I grew bigger, I find it even more difficult to put my head through... And on that fateful day, I managed to squeezed my head through the posts, but didn't manage to get my head out!!!~~~

And being afraid of kena my mom scold, I acted as if I was enjoying playing with the posts very much -_-, while secretly attempting to pull my head out.. In the end, need to ask my dad come and pull the posts up and release my head before fixing the posts back T__T

Conclusion: 小时候就很爱面子

十二月 01, 2006

The PSS Taboo

Although I missed my beloved superstar, I managed to find them on youtube! :D

For everybody who wished to watch PSS again, try to search for DarkonLore on youtube, and sort by the date added.

Why Taboo?

On Cruz Teng's blog he once said "不管我看好哪一个PSS或CSS的参赛者,最后他/她一定会出局"..

This time, arghhhhh, I said Tang Ling Yi look pretty and may go far, she was brushed off in the first round! [See performance video here]

Then... On the guys' side, I thought Jeff sang whole-heartedly and deserved a place in the last 16, but why? Why even the judges went for the looks?

Not once they said singing is of utmost importance, and yet they gave Jeff 31 only? Super unfair lor... He has a better voice and 麻度 than Le Sheng (who got 35) :D

十一月 30, 2006

I am the sun!!!!!!!! :D

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Last day of November

意思意思还是要blog 一下

well... didn't manage to catch PSS yesterday!!! OMG -_-

It's murphy's law, or whatever, a simple meeting that started off at 4pm ended up concluding only at 9:30 pm... not only did I miss my beloved PSS, I also missed dinner!

I can't emphasize enough, why can't we always keep things simple during meeting? There are things to be taken offline and discuss among a smaller bunch of people, why bring it up during the meeting?

Also, respect others! There are non-chinese in the meeting, don't use chinese! They will feel being ill-treated!

Alas~ DO NOT, i mean DO NOT EVER repeat the same topic more than 3 times in the same meeting, WHAT IS THE MEANING?

that costed my PSS >_< sob sob

十一月 25, 2006

I missed it... again!!!

This year, the SMU project that we have been working on gained the deserved recognition by netting the NCS Intrpreneurship award :D

After spending more than 6 months to get the things right, we thought that the project might just go on unnoticed for all these time, when suddenly we were informed that we have won the award.

This project is not about software only, hardware and the AV setup played a big part too. As such, the whole team was very happy and excited.

We've won a good sum of cash prize too... just when we were thinking how were we going to spend the money, boss' boss' boss' decided that the whole department should be involved in the celebration.

Ok, fine with us, good way of spending the money too.

Time: 24th November night, a dinner followed by bowling session and karaoke session.

Ok, fine with me, until yesterday night -__-

5:00 PM -- Everything still looks fine, we were discussing how to get to the place at around 6:30 pm.

5:30 PM -- Told to perform migration. Ok, fine, heard that the migration completed, a simple test would do.

6:00 PM -- Migration completed with problem.

6:14 PM -- JS solved the problem by changing a stored proc. Simple test completed.

6:25 PM -- Was told to do a full test before we can leave.

7:30 PM -- Was told that dinner has ended, we are still at office.

IRONIC RIGHT? We won the project and we don't get to eat anything.

Last year's D&D also I missed -_- *Sob sob* looks like I'm not fated to have good food at NCS, hahahahaha

十一月 22, 2006

Disastrous Year

This has been a disastrous year, confirmed!

First my mom had to underwent a surgery to have her womb tumor removed, then now my grandma!

She's had this eye problem all this while and now one of her eyes totally can't see anything. She was diagnosed with 白内障, and after undergoing surgery, she still can't see anything! What's worse is that she had internal bleeding and the eyeball pressure is at danger level.

Really don't know what the doctors in JB are doing, how come the condition becomes worse after surgery? My grandma just underwent the second surgery in general hospital and she still can't see! However, the internal bleeding and eyeball pressure has stopped, thats some consolation at least la...

What have we done in this past year? So many things -_-

Last year wasn't better too, I had this fall while playing basketball and then fractured my knee, then PY's got this urine infection that eventually was diagnosed with kidney stone..

Just that we thought we went through all these, now this struck us... sigh >_<

十一月 15, 2006


郁闷 所谓郁闷
不过是一种心理投射 非关理性

简单的说 就是有气出不了

不过 真的什么事也没有


也许根本没有什么 所以更想做些什么


大家都只会说 永远都在说 今天说的是A


说真的 要紧吗?

十一月 13, 2006

Another Monday

Thank God its Monday... -_- after a horrendous week in which resulted in me falling sick again and not "encouraged" to take MC because of the "big" day, I am finally back at work after sleeping for 2 full days :D

Hmmmmmm, S.H.E and Eason de concert is approaching, I wonder if i-weekly will give out free tix like the previous Lee Hom's concert :D *on fire* this time also want to win free tix!~~~~~

十一月 09, 2006

Arghhhh... The return of the cough

Weird, thought I have recovered, so I began drinking cold drinks and eating really oily greasy food, and when I woke up yesterday morning, I couldn't stop coughing -_-

And its worse this time, the phlegm is greener than ever, the sound of me coughing is louder than ever as well T__T When can I take MC?

Sigh, boss has been on two days' MC, envious sia -__-

十一月 02, 2006


昨天晚上PY忽然心血来潮说要在下班后在长堤坊(Causeway Point) 吃晚餐, 我想说这些日子下来因为Phase 2 的migration而搞到焦头烂额, 今天就尝试准时下班然后去陪她啦:D

六点,我用冲的逃离工作现场 (再迟个几分钟就会有人出现来叫你做东西了), 六点三十分就到达CP了, 结果PY打电话和我说她那里临时有事要八点多才能下班,我当场晕~~~~~~

这时候我刚好想到我的程式有个BUG, 如果不尽快解决的话可能会对明天的UAT产生很大影响,没办法,既然要等多两三个小时,我就先回公司啦~_~

回到公司,把BUG搞定(结果午夜十二点我进production server check 的时候发现BUG并没有解决) 后,大概八点三十分回到CP, 我当场傻眼...

有消防车,有大批警察,和很多人, 我往里走,发现一半的地方都被封锁了,有烟味... 可是看不到发生什么事情, 就往楼上走去,一往下看T__T 竟然看到工作人员在清理积水,消防员在检查一个被火烧到很严重一下的店,我记得那店应该是Charles & Keith, 连它旁边的店都遭殃..


不过也因为我回公司,就错过了看到事发经过的机会, 不知道是幸还是不幸:)

十月 31, 2006




十月 27, 2006

A programmer's nightmare

I call it the 7:30 PM Ghost... lame name it might be, but it can't get any more appropriate than that -_-

Its not the first time we planned to wrap things out before the sky turns dark, and its not the first time we were hit by unexplainable phenomena during our testing.

Picture this, I came to office 7:45 am today to perform migration, and the testing was smoothly carried out all the way till 5:00 pm, before all the minor bugs uncovered during the process were fixed, we had another migration around 6:30 pm.

Then around 7:45 pm, problems began creeping out...

First the provision service failed for no reason, then CRS can't run (never mind you don't know what they are, they're just programs we've written for this project), and eventually the migrated server died off just like that...

After a brief dinner (I didn't had any, in fact, i ate sandwich and bread for breakfast and lunch, i was too sicked to eat anything actually) and when we return to test, we decided to restart the server...

Now 10:00 pm. the server's memory usage is still very very high, at times we encounter problem like conference server died, remoting calls not responding... as usual, no bugs in our program, just purely network issues...

Recall SMU days, at times we were so happy that today's migration was so smooth and started planning where for dinner, only to be held back by unknown "ghosts" that appear after the 7:30 pm mark...

Then in the phase 1 of this MMC project, there were a couple of occassion that we actually spent the whole night debugging stupid network problems... "ghosts" as it would be... Why don't they appear earlier in the morning? Why must they only appear when we have prepared to wrap things up?

Ahh... 10:04 pm now, I'm ready to go catch ghost now :D
Wish me good luck :D hohohohoho

十月 26, 2006

Its a programmer's world 2

Today's victim is XiaoP aka Wendy Lim... according to herself, she has been "in this line for more than 5 years" :)

VT says (10:45 AM):

***The subsequent conversation will be recorded in the originator's blog***

***Recording Start***
VT says (10:45 AM):
oioi, got time for an interview?
!q ()A|x™ says (10:46 AM):
!q ()A|x™ says (10:46 AM):
for ur blog again ah ? haha...
VT says (10:48 AM):
interviewing all programmers

Lemme start~
Why do you choose to be a programmer?
!q ()A|x™ says (10:51 AM):
I neva choose to be a programmer..I was being cheated by Exx ! wat they had mentioned to me, is to be a web designer.. but then i ended up becoming a programmer at SxxxTxx...
VT says (10:51 AM):
hahahaha... then what happened after that? you didn't go back to the web designer stream le ah?
!q ()A|x™ says (10:53 AM):
after tat...i m stuck in this line for more than 5 yrs le..during these 5 yrs..i oso tink i wun be a gd designer lah..so din go back lor..haha..
VT says (10:55 AM):
haha... so in the future, you won't want to be a web designer anymore? or you want to start your own business liao?
!q ()A|x™ says (10:56 AM):
haha...nope, dun tink i will be a web designer le..i dun tink will start own business now lah..maybe in the future...
VT says (10:57 AM):
then what do you think is the largest challenge of being a programmer ne?
VT says (11:02 AM):
!q ()A|x™ says (11:16 AM):
hmm...challenge is to do the users impossible requirements...not possible oso muz tink positive and muz make it work...haha
VT says (11:18 AM):
hahaha, the what did you least like ne?
!q ()A|x™ says (11:20 AM):
least like ah...hmm...users keep having new ideas and wanna change things...schedule still the same !
VT says (11:21 AM):
wahahahaha, if given opportunity to change your jobscope, which type of job will you take up ne?
!q ()A|x™ says (11:23 AM):
wah...can i be a tai tai... hahha...

VT says (11:24 AM):
huh, tired with working life le ah?
!q ()A|x™ says (11:25 AM):
haha....no lah...
if can change job..then i tink i wun choose IT again le bah....

十月 22, 2006

Heroes of earth -- Unbelievable

It was Saturday morning (21/10), PY and I woke up around 12 pm, as we've been working late hours for the past week, Saturday appears to be a good day to rest :D

She dreamt of 4 numbers, I dreamt of two 4-digit numbers as well, so we thought it might be good to go try our luck today ^o^

The unbelievable then happen --

I receive an SMS from i-weekly, the person-in-charge says I won a pair of tickets to Lee Hom's Heroes of Earth concert... I cannot believe my eyes!~~~~~~ I took part in that contest like 2 weeks ago, until last week still no news then I wanna give up liao, see see now receive the notification!

I rushed back to tell PY after buying breakfast (or lunch if you like) and 4D, PY couldn't believe our luck as well, then only I know the concert is held on Saturday night! OMG -_- the day of the event only notify us we tio-ed, so weird right?

So we went to far east plaza to collect our ticket from the person-in-charge, the lady gave us the ticket and ^o^ its real!!!! Not hoax!!!~~~

And so we went on to the indoor stadium... its a full house! The whole atmosphere damn high~ although PY and I weren't true fans of Lee Hom, but we got to admire his musical talent and live performance! He can really sing (well, I manage to 偷偷 record a few songs of his, but the fans around us too noisy liao, only the last song 唯一 is nice :D) and he really looks cool and smart on stage (our camera kena 'consfiscated', can't snap any photos)

Overall his slow songs are much more attractive than his rock/chinked out musics... thats from our perspective la :D Can melt de lor when he sings 永远的第一天, 一首简单的歌, 不要害怕, 流泪手心 .. the atmosphere in unbelievable, especially when the audience sings and the background music goes silent, now i know what is 万人K歌 liao :D

Not bad le la :D considering the free tickets are of the $128 category, what could we ask for more? :D We were lucky to catch the stadium direct bus after the concert ends some more :D Got place to sit de leh :D

This saturday is one of the luckiest and happiest day PY and I have spent :) despite all the working stress and emotion rides these recent days :D Woohooo!~~

十月 19, 2006

Its a programmer's world


The first victim, Miss Suki

Years of experience: If I didn't remember wrongly, 3 1/2 years.
Current Job Title: Web Designer (or something like that)

VT says (10:05 AM):
*The below conversation will be recorded in the originator's blog*

*Recording starts...*
VT says (10:05 AM):
In the first place, why did you decide that IT line should be your career?

(In short? Why work IT?)
- ♪ü k î - says (10:09 AM):
Because i study IT in poly mahh
VT says (10:09 AM):
hmmmm, then why did you study IT in poly?
- ♪ü k î - says (10:10 AM):
as for why i chose IT in poly, cos i dun like engineering and my O lvl english din allow me to enter Business, din wana wait for a yr to retake english juz to enter poly, so went ahead with IT lor.. gadually oso interested in IT le.. after retaking english, can go business le, i oso din wana change liao..
VT says (10:11 AM):
then, what is the most challenging part of an IT programmer/web designer/ multimedia developer?
- ♪ü k î - says (10:13 AM):
able to enjoy the process of producing a system/end product both the users and myself are satisfied with, within the deadline ~
VT says (10:16 AM):
then what is the part you hated the most being a programmer?
- ♪ü k î - says (10:17 AM):
$$ not enough arhh...
VT says (10:18 AM):
you can choose to become an IT support ah, heard from my colleague that their pay starts from 3k up to 6k de ah
- ♪ü k î - says (10:19 AM):
i not strong in tat area leh..
- ♪ü k î - says (10:19 AM):
i always spoil my home pc and need other ppl to gimme IT support instead.. how to go support other ppl =X
VT says (10:20 AM):
hoho... so, if given the chance, would you switch industry? Like HR or PR or admin?

You have just sent a Nudge!

- ♪ü k î - says (10:27 AM):
VT says (10:20 AM):
hoho... so, if given the chance, would you switch industry? Like HR or PR or admin?
- ♪ü k î - says (10:29 AM):
hmm at poly stage of time, i believe i stil will choose IT, but in future i cannot gurantee i wun switch line la.. hahaaaahaa.. but definitely not HR/PR/admin..
VT says (10:34 AM):
Thank you for your time
VT says (10:34 AM):
*** Recording Ends ***

What I felt:
Being an IT programmer really not lucrative (in terms of salary), yet sometimes we will work like hell (read: Come back to work every weekend to finish job, without OT pay nor benefits). What more, IT jobs are mostly contract-based, which provides further constraints to our beneficial rights.

In short, IT job very jialat la...

十月 18, 2006



现在才想起,换回中文来会不会太迟了? :P

十月 17, 2006

Hazy hazy day...

I was quite bo liao yesterday when the PSI hit 130, so I went to the pantry and took a few photos...

Its been a long time since I last stared directly at the sun, and yes, the last time was about 8 years ago when the haze struck JB... I could barely see Singapore from my school's sea-side when PSI hit 250 that time...

The condo opposite NCS hub can still be seen, however, the estates beyond it became far less visible.

Same for this pic :)

It should be a sunny day, yet the whole atmosphere... very dim :(

The sun's view at 8x zoom... very scary hor... THIS IS THE SUN LEH!!!

十月 16, 2006

What a Monday

A hazy morning, but I don't feel the effect of my asthma as well --> Weird
Its a Monday, Garfield's most hated day, yet I woke up on time and felt refreshed --> Weirder
I came to office, expecting a mountain of works to be done, yet apparently it appears to be a peaceful Monday --> Weirdest!!!!

What happened to Mondays? I can't find a reason to hate it >_<


p/s: Zodiac sign says this week Leos have luck in lucky draws... let me try try :D

十月 12, 2006

How are you all my friends?

Yesterday bo liao again... decided to ask my friends to update me about their recent life... and this is what I got :D

Cheau Yuin
- c - y - says (4:23 PM):
- c - y - says (4:23 PM):

陈炜 says (4:25 PM):
Busy with Germaine and work!!! busy busy... Sigh

Hon Sing
HonSing says (4:25 PM):
busy, tired, frustrated

Wendy Xiao P
!q ()A|x™ says (4:24 PM):
!q ()A|x™ says (4:25 PM):
hmm...life recently...standard..
1) Work... 2) Gym (sometimes)... 3) Home
!q ()A|x™ says (4:25 PM):

Joey Do it 100%! says (4:27 PM):
ops ...
Joey Do it 100%! says (4:28 PM):
busy... stress... hurt my knee cap... sometime dating
Joey Do it 100%! says (4:28 PM):
that my life recently ba

Chia Vui
CV : Thanks !!!! says (4:28 PM):
CV : Thanks !!!! says (4:29 PM):
Took part in a basketball competition @ Marine PArade CC .. total 4 teams... played lousily ... but team still able to be the 1st runner up ...
CV : Thanks !!!! says (4:29 PM):
gagagag can ?

Ah Bao
哈哈 says (4:31 PM):
大家好,to my 粉丝,hows everyone doing...im still working in Moulding, doing support. still the same size, still as fit. erm.. maybe change abit but not sure how to say it.
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (4:32 PM):
same size?
哈哈 says (4:32 PM):
i think thats all.. dunno what else to say
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (4:32 PM):

Siew Ying
http://sy@☆~~ £ìfÉ Is...~~☆.com says (4:32 PM):
hmmm ...i pretty vexed bout career and whether to change current life style or maintain the same life...

ColorPencil says (4:36 PM):
work, eat, sleep
ColorPencil says (4:36 PM):
hahaha... no plan yet lar, travel plan is on Dec or next Apr
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (4:36 PM):
u still want to go travel!!!~~~~
ColorPencil says (4:37 PM):
wah.... short one lar..
ColorPencil says (4:38 PM):
either Switzerland to visit my friend's family .. last time staying at their house for 3 months ler, hahaha
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (4:38 PM):
be it short or long, the plane ticket also expensive ma
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (4:38 PM):
hahahahaha, bring me along lor
ColorPencil says (4:38 PM):
hahaha... lai lai..
ColorPencil says (4:39 PM):
i chop you into several pieces then bring
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (4:39 PM):
u must make sure you know how to assemble me back leh!

CoLd|2a|N Cherrys Valerie says (4:35 PM):
I trying to get my baby gal call me daddy! :D
CoLd|2a|N Cherrys Valerie says (4:36 PM):
no ETA at the moment though -_-|||

Kris Laoda
Mentally so tired.... says (4:39 PM):
mm.. nothing much except work..
Mentally so tired.... says (4:39 PM):
just bought hse so broke liao..

~SiNiS~ This Never Happened Before… says (4:59 PM):
whaha.. okie.. ltr i type abit out la..
~SiNiS~ This Never Happened Before… says (4:59 PM):
in pts form can?
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (5:01 PM):
can can :D
~SiNiS~ This Never Happened Before… says (5:02 PM):
life is still the same for me.. not much change.. still working in singtel.. hehe :p
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (5:03 PM):
huh... in points form meh? -_-

- ♪ü k î - says (5:01 PM):
eh i eve3ryday tok to u.. i oso duno wad i need to update u leh
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (5:01 PM):
-_- then update other ppl lor
- ♪ü k î - says (5:03 PM):
recent update: life is stil as poor, still as boring, stil as not-happening, nothin happy abt, nothin unhappy abt..

Eric Koh
ek says (5:07 PM):
hmm... ordinary life with ordinary job... nothing special about my current life... why? r u getting married soon?
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (5:08 PM):
no leh... just thinking can update everybody altogether ma -_-|||
ek says (5:11 PM):
hahas... its nice to know how others r doing nw...

allanator says (5:50 PM):
Its been a period of uncertainty for me since I graduated from NUS in June. Didn't know what to do for my career, hence having worked in three different companies so far. I have just joined the same company as Vee Tian / Eric Koh this week and getting quite busy already. This sunday have to work somemore, dog's life man. But I'm enjoying it so far, very challenging job and high expectations from m
allanator says (5:50 PM):
y boss. Hopefully things will turn out fine here and I can stay long in this job, say, for 6 months? LOL

Eric Lim
VT @ www.WednesdayWhyWork says (5:55 PM):
anything u would like to share with others de lor
Boatman says (5:56 PM):
wake up -> breakfast -> work -> lunch -> work -> dinner -> jerk off - sleep

update of myself:

getting more and more smelly! hahaha
--2 hours later--
Tricia says (1:28 PM):
i wanna add on my updates
Tricia says (1:28 PM):
VT @ FAQ - Friday Approaching Quickly says (1:28 PM):
oh oh
VT @ FAQ - Friday Approaching Quickly says (1:28 PM):
come come
Tricia says (1:28 PM):
work + study + play + dating = my life now

My friends, if you have more to update, just leave a comment :D

十月 11, 2006

Wish list...

Everybody seems to be setting up a wish list, and some even set up a fund foundation... -.- Then I figured it would be my turn liao :D

Then I sat in front of my blog entry for 10 minutes, 脑海一片空白! Eh... I so contented with my life woh... so there aren't any MANDATORY items nor are they any MUST HAVE purchases... below is just a wish list... all optional (Although I hate to say this, I still do not mind any of you kind people help me fulfil my wish :D)

1) A trip to HK (Not expensive right? I would have afford it myself, but that would mean a big hole in my pocket, keke)
2) A bag to office (Currently, I either come to work empty handed or with my laptop bag, which is very bulky and always knock other ppl down on the bus)
3) NBA Live 2007 and Fifa Soccer 2007 (**Drools** I will buy them anyway, but I've limited myself to 1 month a game liao, so expensive on XBOX 360, and I dun want to MOD my console to play pirated games, so... you know what to do la!)
4) A new guitar (Actually my current guitar is very good already, but the strings very hard to manage, and thus the tuning will always go off tone, so, a new guitar would be nice :D)
5) A HDB Flat (I do not know who is kind enough to buy me one :D)
6) A car (no need big big car, one with four wheels and COE paid will do :D)
7) Alas, sufficient time to let me enjoy those I have and dream of those I not yet have :)

十月 10, 2006

Finally something that reflects me younger

You Are 22 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

十月 08, 2006

Tell me how to not laugh -.-

Yesterday PY and I went back to JB to celebrate her mom's birthday...

Well, we had a dinner that was ... VERY DELICOUS!!!

Apart from the high cost (11 persons -- 6 adults and 5 kids, the whole dinner costed RM 479.xx), the food there was absolutely heavenly made :D

The crab (cooked with salted egg yolkk), soon hock fish (steamed with HK style), pig stomach soup that taste just like some very very throat soothing chicken soup... and lots of nice dishes :D

Ladies and gentleman, introducing you Kong Inn Restaurant! 港一海鲜楼 is one of the best JB restaurant I have been to... My dad introduced this restaurant to me 5 years back, that time it only has a single outlet called 港一小菜馆, the main chef of the restaurant was the 主厨 of a famous restaurant in a hotel :)

Like what the boss always say -- Hotel style, economic price :D

Ok ok, now to the part where makes me laugh :D

When we back at our home, PY wanted to bring some books back to SG, one of the book she chose was La' petit prince (小王子, XiaoWangZi), but then when she told me what she brought back, she named it as 小丸子 (Xiao Wan Zi) -.- I blurred almost throughout the way.. until I finally sorted the things out -.- i was still thinking if we really had the comic XiaoWanZi -_-

十月 06, 2006

Some quizzes :)

I did this test... hahahaha, so indeed I'm suitable to be a programmer :D

Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things.
Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments.
You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it.
You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle.

You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician.

My level of depression:
Your Depression Level: 60%

You seem to have mild depression.
A lot of people fall into your range, and it's quite possible you don't need treatment.
If you've been feeling this way for a while, you may want to seek help.

十月 04, 2006

Reunited with Allan

Not that I dreamt of it or asked for it -__- apparently this guy wasn't satisfied with his current working environment and came to NCS for an interview...

As a result, Allan has been recruited to NCS and will start work next week.


I just can't seem to run away from this guy -_- We have been duelling since our Singtel days, and looks like the competition shall continue :D

He's lucky to be working one storey lower than me (that is level 5), heard that all the younger engineers working at the floor... my floor only got aunties -_-

and so, Erick, Allan and VT reunites, at a subsidiary of Singtel, hey.... we're working in Singapore, so we can't run away from Singtel?


well, at least no kappa this time around, and the three of us working in different departments :D

十月 03, 2006

Sing a song... :D

Inspired/provoked/challenged by Suki's compilation of yanzi's songs into a paragraph, I decided to challenge Jay Chou:

可爱女人发如雪, 她的睫毛分裂
懦夫开不了口:"爸,我回来了.你听得到, 对不起."
半兽人双刀, 忍者双截棍, 世界末日...

十月 01, 2006

Gunners for life

Many people ask me (particularly Man U fans) why I support Arsenal... Its difficult to be a gunners fan in SG :) But I'm proud to be one.

Yes, when people start commenting "Arsenal hopeless liao la..." you could not fight back... but now its time, first Tomas Rosicky, then Robin van Persie...

Charlton vs Arsenal, van Persie's 2nd goal -

Hamburg FC vs Arsenal (Champions League), Tomas Rosicky

Last year was an emotional year, when Dennis Bergkamp finally retires... no more dutch master... and on came van Persie, the younger version of The Iceman..

Fabregas shrugs off the influence of Vieira and is a worthy No. 4 for the gunners now...

And on came Rosicky, whom I think should be a direct replacement for the ageing Robert Pires... Pires has always been my favourite player in a gunner's shirt... I prefer him over Bergkamp and Henry... He can pass, can shoot, can dribble and is always so cool :)

I'm still gonna miss him but Rosicky, with his reputation back in Germany, looks set to fit in Pires' role well...

Arsenal just ain't an Henry Team right? :D

九月 29, 2006

Sometimes they're just too cute...

Wendy had something to discuss with me today, please read the below conversation:

(W for her, V for me)

W: VT, I need to brief you about the CDR, you got time or not?
V: I cannot say no right?
W: You have something on now? I only need 30 minutes.
V: Yes I have something on, and I cannot say no right?
W: Of course you can, what are you busy with?
V: Oh, I am helping Jeffery checking his migration of the DB, got a lot of problems.
W: Like that ah, then... next Monday... sigh...
V: I do not have a choice but to let you brief now, right?
W: No la, not like that.
V: Then can we do it next Monday?
W: Just half an hour, cannot ma?
V: I told you I do not have a choice! No matter what I say, in the end you still die die want to brief me today right?
W: I brief you today, but you no need to do today ma.
V: Whatever.

Moral of the story: If people asks you "Do you have time?", most probably they're out of courtesy only. No matter how you push, they will still achieve their objective eventually.

As such, I actually preferred the way how TL communicate with me... although its still funny.

TL: So VT, all these changes can do or not?
VT: I say cannot also no use right? Die die must finish before tomorrow correct?
TL: Ya.

Don't get me wrong, I respected the above conversation because it saved me 2 minutes of precious coding time if compared to the first conversation with W :)

九月 27, 2006

Rest no more

There goes my honeymoon period after phase 1 of development -__-

I've been slacking for two full weeks without a major assignment and now I'm assigned with 3 tasks, all at the same time _-_

No more slacking, no more surfing, no more 38-ing with the others liao >_<

Says who??? :D

Will continue to find time to relax, as I found out, relaxation is the best cure to stress :D

Off to breakfast, damn hungry now :D

九月 24, 2006


Don't envy me, this was a dinner two weeks back :D

Grill salmon, cabbage, black soy souce chicken mushroom :D
I am so 幸福!~~~~~

九月 21, 2006

Whole of office sick liao -__-

I was on leave yesterday... because I only managed to get some sleep 7 am in the morning.

Throat was damn sore, can't talk much and loud... drank 2 litres of water yesterday and can still felt my throat drying up... what happened to me?

Then came back to office this morning, found out Zujiang and Annabel began having sore throat since yesterday... (So i'm not the one who pass this to him, I WAS ON LEAVE MA, wahahhaha)

So, who is the culprit?

Yuetao just came to me and chatted... and I found out that he has been troubled by this sore throat illness FOR A FEW DAYS... hohohoho, so he was the one.

All of us had the same symptoms: throat pain till cannot sleep!

OMG, save me T__T 我想睡觉,我想吃PRATA :D

EDIT: Jeffery also down liao, he went home because sick, with the same symptoms as us!

九月 19, 2006

External Meeting

Ah.... I guess I will never understand the full meaning of such meetings. Well, I must say that I am quite unfamiliar with external meetings (ie. meeting with vendors or potential customers)

Yesterday I went to SMU to have a meeting with the sales manager and engineers of Sanyo, as they are exploring possiblities of a new projector module into our system...

First, my boss and I did not bring any namecards, jia lat la.. the Sanyo people (5 of them) all gave us their name cards... my boss and I so paiseh T__T

then, during the meeting, talk very less but laugh a lot, is it always such case when it comes to external meetings? Just keep on laughing can liao, although I don't know where's the laughing point(笑点) T__T

In the end, my boss still teach me why just now all the while he's been 打太极-ing with the sanyo ppl, its because our company has a deal with NEC, and Sanyo's distributor is our competitor, in which was two sales executive on the sanyo side (3 from sanyo, 2 from our competitor)...

He say "jia lat la, we develop and change our system to suit for sanyo ppl to come in, and then smu don't buy equipments from us but buy from our competitor, how to die?"

-__- politics... so chim...

the manager from SMU who held the meeting was my boss during the SMU time (he left for SMU after this project completed), also played a lot of 太极 on his side T__T

Conlusion: I will never get used to this kind of meeting, so hypocritic.

九月 16, 2006


Ok, I've been telling almost everybody that I will be playing basketball on my own on Saturday morning (which happens to be this morning)...

You see... I did wake up 6.30 a.m, got myself readied by 6.45 a.m and set off to the Chong Pang CC basketball court...

Just to find out, that it WILL ONLY BE OPENED FROM 10 a.m. onwards!

Not that I don't want to exercise >_< I slept 3 a.m. the previous night, and this is what I got in return? !@#%$!@#!@#@!

As so, I had my breakfast and waited for PY to come back around 9:00 a.m.

So... I was thinking, wait for my food to digest go play not good, must wait PY sleep first also, AFTER LUNCH would be a good time, sun big a bit also never mind... =D

So I waited patiently, implementing BizFantast a bit... play game a bit... then wait till around 3pm, where I stood up and went to change into my sporting attire... IT BEGAN TO RAIN...


So, in the end, do sit-ups at home -_- CY told me yesterday that her bf told her one day 50 sit ups is for her standard, I should do more... *buang*

so, today I heed her advice, do for 5 minutes, don't go count... :S In the end I also dunno how many sit-ups I did T__T

九月 15, 2006

I am an old man with a young heart... or the other way round?

Ok, so I'm starting to acknowledge that turning 25 IS a sign or ageing... and I have also stated various reasons of why I'm suspecting I'm turning old...

Today I was reading Cruz Teng's (FM93.3 DJ, funny guy, humorous blog) blog and found out that people can really turn old fast! Look at his pic when he's 20... NO DOUBLE CHIN!!!

When I was 20, not only double chin, I don't even have a fat tummy! I weighted 60 kg at 180cm, and was best known for my big appetite...

Now, 5 years, later, 15 kg heavier, I am challenging for a TRIPLE CHIN!!! -___- murder me >_<

Ah, by the way, took one day's leave yesterday to accompany PY, I haven't the time last month as I was working like hell... now got one day off, we wanted to go Wild Wild Wet and Escape (or maybe East Coast Park), but ended up in Bugis and bought an external HDD :D

Then later went to NLB... nice place, except for ONE THING, in the english section, there is this chinese guy sleeping on a chair... his hong kong leg smell can be detected from 20 steps away, and he dare dare take off his shoes some more!

And as we walked close, can hear him snore from 10 steps away!!!!

All human beings were evacuated from that reading spot... too disgusting le la >_<

Then after that we went to bugis and had Ajisen Ramen for dinner, wahahahahaha, my Tontoro Ramen... 3 months didn't eat liao, miss it damn much! 拉面好吃 ^o^ *Sinful... so fat >_<*

*Must remember, I'm on diet*

PY had long wanted to drink Coffee Bean's Ice Blended Mocha + Cheese cake... we hadn't the time in JB (and there were much more nice food in JB...) yesterday finally had the chance to try the ones in SG... but OMG... the taste is do different... so differently bad!

There's a suspicion of 偷工减料-ing in the Ice Blended Mocha, tasteless and too watery... we did not have Cheese cake, but instead we opted for Tiramisu, and the taste totally can't be compared with Secret Recipe's Tiramisu >_< $12 wasted just like that... and the bunch of students beside our table damn noisy, I can't even hear PY talk, luckily I can read her lips and guess her meanings :D wahahahahahahaha

九月 13, 2006

I am such a fortunate guy :D

PY had a few days' off this week, and she made breakfast for me! I must be the luckiest guy in the world *top of the world mood*, wahahahahahahahahahahahahaa

Ok... although many will think that an egg, two sausages and two breads are nothing special... but the feeling of having someone prepare breakfast for you when you woke up is sooooooooo special :D It makes you feel special and loved :D damn shiokkkk :D

九月 11, 2006


This can only prove that I am really too free at work...

I came up with this idea of asking other people to describe me with a word... and this is what I get in return... T__T

By the way, both medi and suki have followed my footsteps, some of their answers are funnier than mine :D

VT @ The devil eats prata:
oi, use one word to describe me.
!q ()A|x™ :
VT @ The devil eats prata:
Huh???? Why leh????
!q ()A|x™ :
Hahahaha…. Because you always T_T mah…

VT @ The devil eats prata:
chicken chicken?
Ji1 Ji2
VT @ The devil eats prata:
can say radical
VT @ The devil eats prata:
radical? -__-
VT @ The devil eats prata:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
hahahahaha, so imaginative
should be initiative
check from dictionary....

VT @ The devil eats prata:
describe me with one word
- ♪ü k î -:
2 words can anot ar?
- ♪ü k î -:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
what are the two words neh?
- ♪ü k î -:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
- ♪ü k î -:
VT @ The devil eats prata says:
eh, i want in english word de leh
- ♪ü k î -:
or in chinese u wan.. 花痴
- ♪ü k î -:
- ♪ü k î -:
actually i tot of another english word le leh.. hahaha
- ♪ü k î -:
- ♪ü k î -:

CoLd|2a|N Cherrys Valerie:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
CoLd|2a|N Cherrys Valerie says:
dats not a word \./
VT @ The devil eats prata says:
CoLd|2a|N Cherrys Valerie:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
whoa, chim leh
CoLd|2a|N Cherrys Valerie:
prudent oso can
CoLd|2a|N Cherrys Valerie:
if u dun wan demure lol
VT @ The devil eats prata:
okk... hahahahaha
CoLd|2a|N Cherrys Valerie:
den u taking which one o.O
VT @ The devil eats prata:
taking our conversation, hehehe
CoLd|2a|N Cherrys Valerie:
i tot u oni needed 1 word -.-

(This guy is AhBao)



VT @ The devil eats prata:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
in term's of face skin is it T__T
thick skin also can
coz everytime you say you are genius
VT @ The devil eats prata:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
VT @ The devil eats prata says:
hahaha ok ok

~SiNiS~ To appreciate nonsense requires a serious interest in life:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
wah!!! keke keke, thanks huh :D
~SiNiS~ To appreciate nonsense requires a serious interest in life
haha.. ur welcome..
~SiNiS~ To appreciate nonsense requires a serious interest in life:
u doing survey ar..?
VT @ The devil eats prata:
can update my blog... i asking everybody this question
~SiNiS~ To appreciate nonsense requires a serious interest in life:
haha.. icic

hmm... smart
VT @ The devil eats prata:
ah hahahaha, ok ok thanks

haha... why ler why ler?
VT @ The devil eats prata:
asking around, compile to a list, then update at blog lor
wah........ so free

i know
VT @ The devil eats prata:
wah... hahahaha, i'm flattered

|-=ÐëV|L§=-| ~blµéhær±~:
|-=ÐëV|L§=-| ~blµéhær±~:
one word??
|-=ÐëV|L§=-| ~blµéhær±~:
hmm. innovative?
VT @ The devil eats prata:
okk, i'm asking around... see wat others think of me, then i put on my blog
VT @ The devil eats prata:

how come suddenly i ask me this qn de ?
VT @ The devil eats prata:
i asking everybody ma
VT @ The devil eats prata:
then can update my blog with you all de answer
VT @ The devil eats prata:
what does long mean?
determinatino is long-lasting
stamina is long-lasting
VT @ The devil eats prata:
i think the other way round liao
VT @ The devil eats prata:
hmm .... hehe

Dada @ The Devil Wears Prada:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
Whoa, keke, thanks.
Dada @ The Devil Wears Prada:

VT @ The devil eats prata:
oi use one word to describe me
St. Paul Loveless's 沉默的怒吼...有谁听的到? :
chinese or english?
VT @ The devil eats prata:
St. Paul Loveless's 沉默的怒吼...有谁听的到? :

VT @ The devil eats prata:
St. Paul Loveless's 沉默的怒吼...有谁听的到? :
u created puzzles, played puzzle already chen jing liao
St. Paul Loveless's 沉默的怒吼...有谁听的到? :
also mean u jing in ur girl girl heart
VT @ The devil eats prata:
hahahahaha, ok ok thanks

O.W.L ~9/11…. My sister’s birthday:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
Wahahahaha, thanks thanks.

- http://sy@☆~~ £ìfÉ Is...~~☆.com:
- http://sy@☆~~ £ìfÉ Is...~~☆.com:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
-___- whahahaa
VT @ The devil eats prata:
of course la thanks thanks

tong, 仕事 お 忙しかったり、暇だったりします。:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
VT @ The devil eats prata:
okie thanks

I am starting to feel old...

Sympton #1
I am gaining weight faster than I expected. 3 years ago when I began working in SG at SingTel, I weighted 60 kg, last year when I left SingTel and began working in NCS, I weighted 70 kg.

1 year later, and I'm currently 75 kg....

This cannot go on man... so I decided to begin diet... eat less and exercise more >_< Only 2 weeks into it and I'm beginning to feel like I'm 飘-ing here and there... hahaha...

Now I still do not have any courage to go weigh myself, maybe next week ba, hopefully I will drop back to below 73kg... like that only I will be motivated to work harder ma :D

Sympton #2
I am not playing basketball the way I used to.

This is serious business, I used to play good basketball and can last for the whole morning (6-7 hours) playing basketball before tiring out. But last night (Sunday), I went to play basketball on my own, from 7.30 PM to 9.00 PM and I'm totally worn out.

I didn't do anything in particular... apart than shooting the ball around.

Well, I did manage to complete 20 shots in a row from close range in 1 minute; and I managed to complete 20 free throws in 27 attempts, and 50 free throws in total...

A couple of three pointers, minimal running and my whole body aching liao!

*Sob sob sob*, I need to start playing more frequently liao >_<

九月 08, 2006


Sometimes "seeing is believing"... especially when it comes to Ah Bengs in Singapore.

It was 11.30 pm a few days back when I suddenly felt hungry (as I have skipped dinner) and I decided to pack back some food from the hawker centre at Chong Pang City area..

I went to this Char Kway Teow stall and ordered, unsurprisingly, Char Kway Teow. I then sat at a corner while observing the people around...

Outside the coffee shop, many Ah Bengs and uncle were drinking beer and talking cock... Okay, standard impressions of Bengs...

Then, in the coffee shop, I saw a bunch of bengs who, like the others, have fiery-color-looking hairs, wear singlet and shorts, had tattoo on almost every tattoo-able area of their skin..

They were sitting or standing (not squatting however) a table, quietly and very concentrated. I got very curious and joined them...


It's a simple game that we mostly play when we were small! And to think that 4 big bengs sitting down there quietly throwing the dice and moving the pieces around... and another 5~6 guys standing around them observing quietly... OMG -___-

That's a compliment, because I wouldn't have the patience to play this game :D

九月 01, 2006

Should programmers have fast computers?

It all started from Jeff Atwood's Coding Horror blog entry on The Programmer's Bill of Rights...

I couldn't agree more at first. Until I finished reading the comments. There were some fierce debates on whether a programmer should be equipped with fast computers..

(Like what Suki asked, what good points are there to support such claims?)

Many of the commenters said that by having fast machines we tend to code freely and do not keep in mind efficiency and the scale of the program, thus resulting in the implementation of codes that will run smoothly on faster machine, and will take donkey years to start on a slower machine.

In short, we need to use slower machine to write codes that are compatible with slow machines.

At first many (including me) thought that this idea was purely idiotic, who doesn't prefer a faster computer and compile your program in a breeze? But then as I think through the whole idea slowly again, the idea is actually quite true.

Hahahaha, also, found this quote on one of the comment, which reflects quite well my life at work recently..
"A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."

Directed to SBTL of course :)

八月 31, 2006

Time to pick myself up :D

Okay, whatever unhappy has become history... Be in a lesson learnt or a fact seen thorough, just let it be ba :D

There have been happy moments after all :D

First, PY bought an Xbox-360 console for me... it was very hard for her as we didn't have the additional economy power to purchase such a "luxurious" product :D

But as she said, "既然那么想要,就买来啊,人本来就是要活在当下开开心心,你不也花了很多钱给我换了电话吗?"

How sweet, I should always remember this :D

Then after that is my dad's birthday, its been a long time since I had dinner with the family, but that night's dinner was very warming and nice :D I hadn't seen my dad laugh so happily for a long time le...

Although not long after that my mom fell sick, and all the problem in this world begin to pop up, at least I should still keep myself together :D AS ONE PIECE T__T

不开心一下子就过去,留下来的一定是美好的回忆 :D

八月 29, 2006


Had been rather demotivated-cum-demoralised recently, too many things happened, too less time to digest..

Suddenly I find myself wandering lazily throughout the night, doing nothing; Sitting in front of the TV watching meaningless programme (I don't even know what I'm watching)...

Even when I decided to pick myself up and switch on the notebook, nothing falls into my mind. Maybe I'm tired, maybe I'm worn out.

Need a break, so I didn't force myself to do anything I don't like (although may be sensibly correct).

One happy thing that I enjoyed was reading, I have this book called "Complete idiot's guide to Lost Civilizations" from library, nice book to read though :)

八月 20, 2006


Weird things do happen at the most inappropriate times... this is what we called Murphy's Law -__-

Ok, its the 7th month of the lunar calendar, a lot of people said that those cannot be explained must be due to "that" reason -.- And today really witnessed (or almost witnessed) something like that >_<

Friday night we stayed till quite late to perform some testing of our system (it can be roughly divided into Application Server, Web Portal, Client Software and Database).

After troubleshooting a few problems we were able to come out with a stabilized version that we agreed will undergo further testings the next day (Saturday)... and so we packed our things and returned home...

The next day when I reached office, we began migrating the whole system to our QA server (to make sure everything was fine), weird things begin to happen...

First, the Web Portal failed to function (we only migrated the affected modules, the portion where the problem occurred has not been changed by anybody)..

then not long after, the database stopped functioning...

to add to the final spice, the Client Software failed to function too...


After one hour of troubleshooting and backtracking the versions (by rolling back to the previous day's working copy) still didn't solve any problem.. we began to suspect something is not right T__T

Just then, it was 5.00 pm and we've been spending 2 hours on these problems without any progress...

ZJ (my team lead) decided enough is enough, we shall switch to debug mode and troubleshoot one by one...

(another 15 minutes later)

debugging begins...

we found out, for the Web Portal part, somebody changed the code without commenting (with 3000 lines of code in a single class... if you don't comment, we cannot find it :D), and that portion was changed after we migrated to test the stabilized version the previous day...

(*fixed one problem*)

(*then ZJ found more problem on the client software, so he decided to do programming himself, while I troubleshoot the mysterious Client Software problem*)

(another 15 minutes...)

"Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid error!"

I found out why the Client Software failed, its not a bug in the software application, but instead a database parameter was set wrongly, due to the script generated with error... so devious, and once again it was proven that the mechanism i wrote has no problem, contaminated data is the problem (well, i'm proud of myself :D)

Almost at the same time, Zj found the problem and fixed a serious bug before user finds out...

As for the database error? Well, our QA server's C drive was only left with 2 mb space -__- sql server log cannot tahan anymore, all the transaction log and data log failed to function... zj reinstalled the sql server on another drive to solve this problem (pathetic eh....)

in the end, because of all these stupid mistakes... it became so eerie that how come all the wrong things happened at the same time T__T
damn scary... hahahahahahaha

hope monday's migration will be a success, my heart can't take such news anymore, hahahaha :D

八月 12, 2006

A classic meeting

Last Friday I had this meeting around 4 pm, with my boss (SBTL) and a team lead (wendy), a programmer (devi) and me...

Devi: I studied the impact of changing the time zone of our system, we may need to change the way reservation is made in order for the user to get less confused.
Wendy: So, have you checked all prospects?
VT: When we say all prospects, it meant reservations, searching of conferences, editing and deleting, also including notifications.
Devi: Yes, I also checked the CRS (Client software) side, it can be done.
Wendy: Whats the effort like?
VT: For me, maybe 20 minutes.
VT: But mine is easy, just change the stored procedures. Devi's part is much more tougher, she may need one to two days.
Devi: *Nods to agree*
Wendy: So... we need to carefully plan for this change, as this is a big change and might cause a lot of things to work differently.
VT: Actually not really, what will happen is only whatever displayed to the user will be whatever they entered, we will not show them whatever our database has converted to.
Wendy: You are right, we should keep things simple, and clean. We shall proceed and change this next Monday, carefully of course. veetian, will the changes on the database schema be big?
VT: There will only be minimal database schema changes.

(Then TL raises his head... after finished checking his mail)

TL: WHAT? What you want to change? We should not change anything without getting SingTel's approval.
Wendy: Is the time zone thing, you told us to change what.
TL: We cannot say change then change, we need to have process control and the proper procedure, have you all studied the impact?
TL: .... I know, what I meant is, we cannot change it so simply, we need to make sure that all aspects are covered.
Wendy: I believe we have covered all aspects during our discussion just now, so what do you think?
TL: .... I know, you all don't know what I want to say, why not put it this way, we should keep in mind that whatever displayed to the user will be whatever they entered, we should only start performing this change on Monday, keep it simple and all the schema changes to minimal.

(Then I saw Wendy very pek cheh, can see three lines on her forehead -__-)

(Then Devi kept quiet, but I can feel that she's going to laugh out soon.)

(I was supposed to feel very angry... but I felt more 搞笑gao3 xiao4 than angry lor :D)

七月 30, 2006


你的美目一经流转 视线停留在我脸上
灼热 窒息

无尽的联想 让身和心都煎熬得不能再承受

是你的 就是你的
你定定看着我 即使身手 也是冰冷

是狠狠的 因为有太多太多的眷恋和思念

*   *   *

彤色 亮亮地包围着你
我在离你如此近的距离 欣赏着一出不属于我的戏码
有拥抱 有缠绵

你的神态是醉人 纵然是聚光灯下万众瞩目中

手 在我看来 一直是女人最温柔的象征
而你的温柔 如此让人意乱情迷


靠的 都是一双手

七月 19, 2006



心 在 跳

原来还是会悸动 原来还是会

*    *    *

如果时间可以就此打住 凝聚你最美的一抹红妍
我愿穷尽一生所及 守护

只是 你笑的尽头毕竟不是为我

我说 那是距离

*    *    *

早知道对你 是入了魔的不能自赎
只是没想到 灵魂早已陷入危险地带而又不自知

你不在的数百个小时 我像走肉行尸般游戏于人间
痛而不快 快而不乐

那一刻 浮现的不是别的 是你从未在我身上投射的感情
我不愿意承认 却无可奈何


我 又更陷入了一些

*    *    *

我仅是随笔 因为思绪此刻最不设防
多少积压心里的话 这里一并说出

仅以最深刻沉痛的心情 呼唤

我 肚 子 饿 了


七月 13, 2006


雨 垂直地下着 没有风
空气中 其实并不是冷的


*   *   *

日子无意义堆积 时间流逝惊人得我假装浑然不知
一切看似美好 实则暗潮汹涌

赤脚覆钢绳 每一彳一亍 不能断

一坠 一堕 即天涯

*   *   *


原来 快乐与不快乐
天堂与地狱 之间


七月 11, 2006

Team Lunch

Finally there's a team lunch (in appreciation for the effort the team put in for our project, though we know boss doesn't think so la), at Bishan Junction 8's Swensen's :D

Jeffery wasn't feeling well that day, oh boy he sure looked pale :(

Btw, I shot 20+ photos and none of them noticed me taking a photo using my handphone :D I'm not sure if its because I'm good at sneaking photos or they're too engrossed with their food -_-

from left, our hardware expert Daniel, my team leader zujiang and our boss TL.

from left, Annie our tester-cum-customer-support-cum-mother-to-be :D, customer lead (another team leader) Wendy, and programmer Felicia :D

From left Jibrail, he's a programmer whom on IC he's registered as a chinese but instead his father is a chinese and mother a Malay, so he speaks Malay and has a malay name :D, Esther our tester, it was her last day at work :D congratulations to her for finding a better job :D, Margaret our tester :D

Programmer from China, Yuetao :D until now he still has problem communicating with us in English, although he has been trying hard :D all hail the man from China :D

Jensen, had been working with him since SMU days, hahaha, he's the youngest amongst us :D can't tell hor? -__-

Programmer Radhiga and Devi, sitting opposite me :D

well, annabel had something on and didn't make it for the lunch, but I had a snap of hers earlier :D

七月 06, 2006


黑幕渐垂 路过车辆越夜越少
空气里湿度颇高 却闷热异常

这样的夜 造就了什么样的情绪

躺坐在沙发上 混浊的思绪飞乱却不得片刻宁静
痛苦又自虐地在同一个框架里沉溺 好不享受

我想我是有病的 因为我喜欢痛苦

让痛苦蔓延 从头到手再到脚 无能又无力地抵抗
立志在消弥 不再清醒 却也不再彷徨

天与地两极 复合出多少悲哀
此刻终于明白 是空 也是满


七月 02, 2006


在杂志访问上读到陈子谦的访问 老实说
有话就说 不被新加坡大众所接受
有很多不满 却没有人(愿意)倾听

边缘人 他是如此被归类的
正如他的电影一样 深沉 安静 甚至孤独

或许 我比他本人更在乎这个问题

*  *  *

某天早上 打开电视 播放的是"4:30"的预告


没有不满 眼神笃定 诉诸于电影的是热情
对国家的归属感 恨铁不成钢的无奈 以及真诚不做作的

他自称读过的书没超过十本 最近才开始看村上春树的书

*   *   *

汗颜 先是我周围出现越来越多不知道说写中文的同事/朋友

有人忙着学日文 却连基本的汉字都不认识几个
有人忙着讨论好莱坞电影 却连中文电影都不屑一顾


某个晚上 在德士上 听一位大叔发表了他自己的伟见达20分钟之久
他自豪于自己女儿由他一手带大 结果考上精英班
他鄙视自己胞亲的儿子 因为他读ITE 还说这种人等于废物
说时 脸泛油光 神采飞扬

他又说 自己从来不让女儿和她的同学出门玩
因为"班上有坏同学 会带坏她 所以我都要她放学了立刻回家读书"
我反问他 不怕自己女儿自闭 以后交不到朋友吗?

他不以为然的回了一句 "长大了去到ITE读书认识再多朋友都没有用"

下车前 他和我说了他还要赶着去接女儿
一个星期三次的补习 是他自己的话 他受得了吗?

做个精英 有这么了不起吗?

*   *   *

我不是这种教育制度下长大的 所以我不是精英

认识一个人 从JC到大学 都是一帆风顺的
家里很有钱 说得出口的话包括

一旦面对工作压力 成天只懂发泄 没有建设 只有破坏
到最后 苦了只是我们这些在一旁的人而已吧?

*   *   *

被父母打骂是因为我们做错事 不是因为我们考不好试
每次考个零分回家 爸爸要打我的时候
我奶奶总会跳出来笑我爸:你小时候比阿添更常拿鸭蛋回来 你还打他?

教我什么是应该做的 什么是应该觉得自豪的
什么是 身为一个华人 应该要懂得承袭的


哦 还有我亲爱的朋友们
你们一定知道你们是谁 =)
