三月 24, 2005


听Corrinne May的歌 可以是一种温柔

往事可以肆意 也可以轻轻浅浅泻过
两行泪间 眉头或许不在紧皱
是刹那的豁然 是通透的开朗

是一种超然的直击 心中最不想被提及的角落
被触动即万马奔腾的莽动 却因为她的天籁般的温柔给折服

一定要听If You Didn't Love Me

If every drop of water disappeared from the land
And every drop of ocean suddenly turned to sand
That would all be nothing
Compared to what I'd feel
If you didn't love me

What if I woke up and couldn't hear a sound
And all that I could see was darkness all around
That would still be nothing
Compared to what I'd feel
If you didn't love me

If I could have the world and all that money could buy
And I could travel far beyond the moon and the sky
If they gave me golden wings,
well I still couldn't fly
without you, nothing would matter

You and I walk beside each other day after day
But there's so much inside me, I never get to say
My life would be so empty
with nothing left to feel
If you didn't love me
If you didn't love me.


不懂 真的不懂

