Last Friday I had this meeting around 4 pm, with my boss (SBTL) and a team lead (wendy), a programmer (devi) and me...
Devi: I studied the impact of changing the time zone of our system, we may need to change the way reservation is made in order for the user to get less confused.
Wendy: So, have you checked all prospects?
VT: When we say all prospects, it meant reservations, searching of conferences, editing and deleting, also including notifications.
Devi: Yes, I also checked the CRS (Client software) side, it can be done.
Wendy: Whats the effort like?
VT: For me, maybe 20 minutes.
VT: But mine is easy, just change the stored procedures. Devi's part is much more tougher, she may need one to two days.
Devi: *Nods to agree*
Wendy: So... we need to carefully plan for this change, as this is a big change and might cause a lot of things to work differently.
VT: Actually not really, what will happen is only whatever displayed to the user will be whatever they entered, we will not show them whatever our database has converted to.
Wendy: You are right, we should keep things simple, and clean. We shall proceed and change this next Monday, carefully of course. veetian, will the changes on the database schema be big?
VT: There will only be minimal database schema changes.
(Then TL raises his head... after finished checking his mail)
TL: WHAT? What you want to change? We should not change anything without getting SingTel's approval.
Wendy: Is the time zone thing, you told us to change what.
TL: We cannot say change then change, we need to have process control and the proper procedure, have you all studied the impact?
TL: .... I know, what I meant is, we cannot change it so simply, we need to make sure that all aspects are covered.
Wendy: I believe we have covered all aspects during our discussion just now, so what do you think?
TL: .... I know, you all don't know what I want to say, why not put it this way, we should keep in mind that whatever displayed to the user will be whatever they entered, we should only start performing this change on Monday, keep it simple and all the schema changes to minimal.
(Then I saw Wendy very pek cheh, can see three lines on her forehead -__-)
(Then Devi kept quiet, but I can feel that she's going to laugh out soon.)
(I was supposed to feel very angry... but I felt more 搞笑gao3 xiao4 than angry lor :D)